10 Things I Love & Hate

So last Thursday, I was very pleasantly surprised when Emily, from A Little Bit of Emily, tagged me in the 10 Things you love and 10 Things you hate list. (I love her blog and am flattered she thought of mine for this!) Then I get to tag 10 of my blogging friends to do the same. So now you all get to know a little more about me and my quirks:

10 Things I Love:

1) I have watched almost every season of the Bachelor (minus Prince Lorenzo). It’s ben a guilty pleasure of mine for so many years. Yes I know it’s a silly show and there’s all sorts of negative connotations about society and feminism. It’s fine for me to watch it by myself but anytime someone walks in I feel totally ridiculous. 🙂

2) When I like songs I tend to listen to them on repeat. Especially when it comes to Sam Smith.

3) This probably isn’t specific to me but sometimes to get through a workout I think about what I am going to eat after to reward myself with. Especially after long runs during my half and full marathon training, I just picture being done and sitting and eating.

4) I love most sweets. Ice cream, cupcakes, cookies, frozen yogurt, etc. I have a huge sweet tooth, always have, always will. Everything in moderation, right? 66e0911c77594490404c13c5292d569e 5) I love playing tennis. I started playing in junior high with my dad and have been addicted ever since. I played for 3 years in high school from sophomore year onwards. (I ran track my freshmen year.) In college my email was iheartennis09@yahoo.com. I was never good enough, but I always thought I’d love to play professional tennis.

6) When I was little my dad would take my brother and I to the library all the time and we’d all get stacks of books. So my love of reading was really instilled in me from my dad. I fell away from it during my college years and picked it back up a few years after I graduated. I didn’t realize how much I missed it. About 3 or 4 years ago I began devouring books again. I can’t leave the library with just one book. I need to have one or two more waiting for me after I finish. I love hearing what other people are reading too for suggestions. 0973c21b26cff02884470cb1f045bef5 7) I ran my first half marathon in July 2013, something I still need to blog about one of these days. But since then I’ve also done other 5ks, a full marathon in Honululu, and a half this past weekend in Chicago. It’s such a feeling of relief and accomplishment to finish. I love getting medals from the races, because as a kid I didn’t do a lot of sports that gave out medals and trophies.

8) Being in my late twenties I am thankful for my friendships that have lasted through so many years and different phases of my life. I have a bunch of great girlfriends and guy friends that have seen me through all sorts of different life events and it strengthens our bond so much. I treasure those relationships dearly.

9) I really like watching romantic comedies and movies. Some of my favorites are Sweet Home Alabama, 10 Things I Hate About You, and Miss Congeniality. I like watching movies that are fun and uplifting. That post apocalyptic, zombie, ghost, slasher films just aren’t my cup of time.

10) Flying is such a luxury. I so enjoy getting on a plane, and unplugging from the world for a little bit. It gives me time to read, write in my journal and take a breather. I also love looking out the windows. It’s never lost on me that we are able to fly up in the clouds. It’s such a cool feeling. It’s also so nice to be able to get to a place so much quicker than driving would. We’ve gone on our fair share of road trips, which I love as well, but flying saves so much time.

10 Things I Hate:

1) I have a weird irrational fear of big glass windows. I feel like there’s some creep out there looking in at night time especially. Dave always makes fun of me. We love looking at modern  houses and a lot of them have such huge, glass windows. 7b000094e39c35f8810c0060d5eb3c97 2) I like salads. I love eating fruit. But I hate when the two are mixed together. I don’t like the taste salad mixed with apples and strawberries. No thank you. f762ead282848081bc56a37c15f8d4d7 3) I absolutely hate needles and getting shots. My family doctor knows I hate getting my blood drawn so whenever they have to do it, they are kind enough to use a kid needle on me because it is smaller and they say it hurts less. And I have to agree. It’s not so bad! And I always feel invincible after I have my blood drawn because I’ve survived and it is never as bad as I’ve built it up in my head to be.

4) Whenever we (Dave and I) go somewhere, he immediately gets in the car and starts it. Then he gets situated and looks at the GPS and puts on his seatbelt. I hate having an idle car and wasting gas. I always make sure to do that stuff first, then start the car.

5) After I am done using something electronic, I have to immediately unplug it. I hate seeing cords plugged into the outlets but not connected to anything. I also hate seeing rooms with lights turned on and no one in them. I hate wasting energy.

6) As a kid I remember my dad drank beer and I’ve always hated the smell and the taste. I don’t like any kinds of beers. No ciders, no nonalcoholic, no type of any kind. I also don’t drink alcohol. I was never interested in it in my earlier years and have actually never been drunk. I have had sips of wine, and tried drinks but it’s not something I seek out or ever crave.

7) I don’t like to run when it’s cold out. Some people love it, but me, not so much. I feel like I’m going to get sick with being so hot and cold at the same time.

8) I hate the feeling of being late and feeling like I’m in a rush. It’s such a feeling of panic and embarrassment to walk in somewhere late. I tend of over schedule myself sometimes and think I have more time than I really do. It’s something I’ve been working on, trying to leave earlier and giving myself time to get places without the unnecessary panic.

9) I don’t understand road rage. I feel like people need to calm down. Little things that happen during driving seems to anger some people and I wish people were nicer and more patient over all when it comes to driving. We all have places to go and people to see.

10) I hate clutter and how quickly it builds up. Dave has taught me to minimize what I own and only to keep what I really like and need. We as consumers tend to overbuy and things sometimes go unused. I’ve gotten better at only buying clothes I love and know I will wear over and over again.

There you have it friends. My list of quirks of things that make me who I am. Excited to see your lists too!

Now for my list of blogging friends I’ve love to hear your quirks too!

Ailee @ Snapshots and My Thoughts

Emily @ Comfortably Classic

Jessica @ Semi Sweet Tooth

Kylie @ Kylie McGraw

Lauren @ Post Grad in Progress

Lindsay @ Seven Layer Charlotte

Mattie @ Northwest Native 

Mil & Jules @ South by North West 

Molly @ Colors of Life

 And I’m linking up again with Waiting on Wednesday!

And tomorrow I’ll finally be sharing my Men Tell All experience with you all!

25 thoughts on “10 Things I Love & Hate

  1. Thanks, lady! I did the 10 love/hate list, but I’ll tag you in my next weekly favorites post. It seems that I have too many loves, enough to post about them at least once a week, haha! But… a couple things… 1) glad you’re addicted to sweets, too. All are unreal and I have nothing negative to say about a single dessert in the world. Except for Key Lime Pie. Why my family likes it, I have no idea. & 2) LOVE that you watch the Bachelor! Strangely, I have a lot of friends that are on it, so I’ve typically watched it with them during their seasons, but it’s such a guilty pleasure. (Ray’s good friend around here in Denver is JJ, so this season has been hilarious, ha!)

    Loved learning more about you!

    1. I’m sorry I must have missed your post!

      That’s so funny you know people who go on the show, I’ve never known anyone! Oh JJ! His daughter is super cute (I’ve seen pics on Instagram) That must be so fun to hear their behind the scenes point of view!

      1. No worries! I actually think it was before I originally found your blog. Y’all haven’t gone back to read every archive?! Just kidding. 😉 I dedicated this morning’s weekly favorites to you guys!

        …& If you follow JJ on Twitter or Insta, then you’ve definitely seen fiancé Ray strutting around, ha! They’re on the same adult hockey team. #toughguystatus

        1. Thanks so much for mentioning us on your blog, you’re so sweet! So happy we found each other’s blogs.

          That’s awesome they play hockey together! Boys friendships are so cute. I would say bromance but I think JJ’s heard enough of that with Clint 🙂 haha!

  2. Amelia Vesper

    It’s so funny that you said you prefer watching the Bachelor alone! I feel silly watching it by myself, but really enjoy watching it with a friend so we can make fun of it 🙂 And I have to agree, despite the lack of personal space on planes, I really enjoy the part of flying where I can space out/unplug!

    xo Mil

    1. That’s a good point about talking about the show during it, but I usually text with my friends. I need absolute silence so I can concentrate! Haha

      You make a good point, I would love a little more personal space on planes, first class must be nice 🙂

  3. Yes to Rom Coms and sweets! (Separately but also together!) I absolutely hate needles (and blood). I had to get blood drawn once for testing (like, seven vials of it or something) and I was so freaked that the nurse refused to do it, she had to get the doctor! (That was in high school, not as a little kid.) Haha. I also hate an idling car, being late and clutter!

  4. I am pretty sure my movie collection consists of ALL Rom-coms. It is pretty sad, but I do love a good girly movie 🙂 And I also hate being rushed….I would seriously skip something if I am gonna be rushed to be there. This has happened for class TOO many times 🙂 LOVE your post! Glad you are back!! xo

  5. I love love love the bachelor too! And I totally understand the huge windows issue. I love how bright that can be, but the second it starts to get dark I’m like woah people can see me I need blinds haha. Books are a big love in my life too! Clutter is my worst enemy. Seriously my husband would keep everything out all the time. He likes food on the counter so we can see what we have to choose from. Drives me loony.

    1. The bachelor is just so addicting! Are you going to be watching bach in paradise too? Looks so crazy and awesome! Haha

      Haha clutter always finds a way to creep into my life! No thanks!

  6. Your fear of big windows makes me smile, I don’t like them either! I hated getting up at night when I was little to grab water or something and thinking someone could see me in the dark through the class. Yuck.

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